meshtastic --debug --info
DEBUG:root:Not logging serial output
DEBUG:root:Connecting to COM11
DEBUG:root:Sending: want_config_id: 1028296544
DEBUG:root:Received myinfo: my_node_num: 2988735988 has_gps: true num_bands: 20 firmware_version: “” reboot_count: 8 message_timeout_msec: 300000 min_app_version: 20200 max_channels: 8
DEBUG:root:Received nodeinfo: {‘num’: 2988735988, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b2247df4’, ‘longName’: ‘A W 7df4’, ‘shortName’: ‘AW7’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyJH30’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TBEAM’}, ‘position’: {‘latitudeI’: -337131854, ‘longitudeI’: 1510676976, ‘altitude’: 182, ‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1620166864, ‘latitude’: -33.7131854, ‘longitude’: 151.0676976}, ‘lastHeard’: 1620166864}
DEBUG:root:Received nodeinfo: {‘num’: 84685580, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!050c330c’, ‘longName’: ‘Node Red 330c’, ‘shortName’: ‘NR3’, ‘macaddr’: ‘PGEFDDMM’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TBEAM’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1620087150}, ‘lastHeard’: 1620166856, ‘snr’: 8.75}
DEBUG:root:Config complete ID 1028296544
DEBUG:root:Serializing protobuf as data: get_radio_request: true
DEBUG:root:Sending: packet { to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: " \001" want_response: true } id: 1923491386 hop_limit: 3 want_ack: true }
DEBUG:root:Received radio config, now fetching channels…
DEBUG:root:Requesting channel 0
DEBUG:root:Serializing protobuf as data: get_channel_request: 1
DEBUG:root:Sending: packet { to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: “0\001” want_response: true } id: 1923491387 hop_limit: 3 want_ack: true }
DEBUG:root:Publishing meshtastic.receive.admin: packet={‘from’: 2988735988, ‘to’: 2988735988, ‘decoded’: {‘portnum’: ‘ADMIN_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\x17\n\x15\x08\xac\x02 \x140\x84\x07P\xac\x02x\x06\x90\x02\xac\x02\xa0\x02\xd8\x04’, ‘requestId’: 1923491386, ‘admin’: {‘getRadioResponse’: {‘preferences’: {‘positionBroadcastSecs’: 300, ‘waitBluetoothSecs’: 20, ‘phoneTimeoutSecs’: 900, ‘lsSecs’: 300, ‘region’: ‘ANZ’, ‘gpsUpdateInterval’: 300, ‘gpsAttemptTime’: 600}}, ‘raw’: get_radio_response { preferences { position_broadcast_secs: 300 wait_bluetooth_secs: 20 phone_timeout_secs: 900 ls_secs: 300 region: ANZ gps_update_interval: 300 gps_attempt_time: 600 } } }}, ‘id’: 756703530, ‘rxTime’: 1620166865, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘priority’: ‘RELIABLE’, ‘raw’: from: 2988735988 to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: "\027\n\025\010\254\002 \0240\204\007P\254\002x\006\220\002\254\002\240\002\330\004" request_id: 1923491386 } id: 756703530 rx_time: 1620166865 hop_limit: 3 priority: RELIABLE , ‘fromId’: ‘!b2247df4’, ‘toId’: ‘!b2247df4’}
DEBUG:root:Received channel settings { modem_config: Bw125Cr48Sf4096 psk: “\001” bandwidth: 125 spread_factor: 10 coding_rate: 8 } role: PRIMARY
DEBUG:root:Requesting channel 1
DEBUG:root:Serializing protobuf as data: get_channel_request: 2
DEBUG:root:Sending: packet { to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: “0\002” want_response: true } id: 1923491388 hop_limit: 3 want_ack: true }
DEBUG:root:Publishing meshtastic.receive.admin: packet={‘from’: 2988735988, ‘to’: 2988735988, ‘decoded’: {‘portnum’: ‘ADMIN_APP’, ‘payload’: b’:\x0f\x12\x0b\x18\x03"\x01\x010}8\n@\x08\x18\x01’, ‘requestId’: 1923491387, ‘admin’: {‘getChannelResponse’: {‘settings’: {‘modemConfig’: ‘Bw125Cr48Sf4096’, ‘psk’: ‘AQ==’, ‘bandwidth’: 125, ‘spreadFactor’: 10, ‘codingRate’: 8}, ‘role’: ‘PRIMARY’}, ‘raw’: get_channel_response { settings { modem_config: Bw125Cr48Sf4096 psk: “\001” bandwidth: 125 spread_factor: 10 coding_rate: 8 } role: PRIMARY } }}, ‘id’: 756703531, ‘rxTime’: 1620166865, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘priority’: ‘RELIABLE’, ‘raw’: from: 2988735988 to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: “:\017\022\013\030\003"\001\0010}8\n@\010\030\001” request_id: 1923491387 } id: 756703531 rx_time: 1620166865 hop_limit: 3 priority: RELIABLE , ‘fromId’: ‘!b2247df4’, ‘toId’: ‘!b2247df4’}
DEBUG:root:Received channel index: 1 settings { psk: “N3\0142ayCW\215w\0336\335w\271\033\212\312e\254\214A"q\027<\006V\310\014\323\301” name: “admin” } role: SECONDARY
DEBUG:root:Requesting channel 2
DEBUG:root:Serializing protobuf as data: get_channel_request: 3
DEBUG:root:Sending: packet { to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: “0\003” want_response: true } id: 1923491389 hop_limit: 3 want_ack: true }
DEBUG:root:Publishing meshtastic.receive.admin: packet={‘from’: 2988735988, ‘to’: 2988735988, ‘decoded’: {‘portnum’: ‘ADMIN_APP’, ‘payload’: b’:/\x08\x01\x12)" N3\x0c2ayCW\x8dw\x1b6\xddw\xb9\x1b\x8a\xcae\xac\x8cA"q\x17<\x06V\xc8\x0c\xd3\xc1*\x05admin\x18\x02’, ‘requestId’: 1923491388, ‘admin’: {‘getChannelResponse’: {‘index’: 1, ‘settings’: {‘psk’: ‘TjMMMmF5Q1eNdxs23Xe5G4rKZayMQSJxFzwGVsgM08E=’, ‘name’: ‘admin’}, ‘role’: ‘SECONDARY’}, ‘raw’: get_channel_response { index: 1 settings { psk: “N3\0142ayCW\215w\0336\335w\271\033\212\312e\254\214A"q\027<\006V\310\014\323\301” name: “admin” } role: SECONDARY } }}, ‘id’: 756703532, ‘rxTime’: 1620166865, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘priority’: ‘RELIABLE’, ‘raw’: from: 2988735988 to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: “:/\010\001\022)" N3\0142ayCW\215w\0336\335w\271\033\212\312e\254\214A"q\027<\006V\310\014\323\301*\005admin\030\002” request_id: 1923491388 } id: 756703532 rx_time: 1620166865 hop_limit: 3 priority: RELIABLE , ‘fromId’: ‘!b2247df4’, ‘toId’: ‘!b2247df4’}
DEBUG:root:Received channel index: 2 settings { }
DEBUG:root:Finished downloading channels
DEBUG:root:Sending heartbeat, interval 450.0
Connected to radio
DEBUG:root:Serializing protobuf as data: time: 1620166864
DEBUG:root:Sending: packet { to: 4294967295 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP payload: “M\320\310\221`” } id: 1923491390 hop_limit: 3 }
DEBUG:root:Publishing meshtastic.receive.admin: packet={‘from’: 2988735988, ‘to’: 2988735988, ‘decoded’: {‘portnum’: ‘ADMIN_APP’, ‘payload’: b’:\x04\x08\x02\x12\x00’, ‘requestId’: 1923491389, ‘admin’: {‘getChannelResponse’: {‘index’: 2, ‘settings’: {}}, ‘raw’: get_channel_response { index: 2 settings { } } }}, ‘id’: 756703533, ‘rxTime’: 1620166865, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘priority’: ‘RELIABLE’, ‘raw’: from: 2988735988 to: 2988735988 decoded { portnum: ADMIN_APP payload: “:\004\010\002\022\000” request_id: 1923491389 } id: 756703533 rx_time: 1620166865 hop_limit: 3 priority: RELIABLE , ‘fromId’: ‘!b2247df4’, ‘toId’: ‘!b2247df4’}
Owner: Avron W 7df4 (AW7)
My info: { “myNodeNum”: 2988735988, “hasGps”: true, “numBands”: 20, “firmwareVersion”: “”, “rebootCount”: 8, “messageTimeoutMsec”: 300000, “minAppVersion”: 20200, “maxChannels”: 8 }
Nodes in mesh:
{‘num’: 2988735988, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b2247df4’, ‘longName’: ‘Avron W 7df4’, ‘shortName’: ‘AW7’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyJH30’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TBEAM’}, ‘position’: {‘latitudeI’: -337131854, ‘longitudeI’: 1510676976, ‘altitude’: 182, ‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1620166864, ‘latitude’: -33.7131854, ‘longitude’: 151.0676976}, ‘lastHeard’: 1620166864}
{‘num’: 84685580, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!050c330c’, ‘longName’: ‘Node Red 330c’, ‘shortName’: ‘NR3’, ‘macaddr’: ‘PGEFDDMM’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TBEAM’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1620087150}, ‘lastHeard’: 1620166856, ‘snr’: 8.75}
Preferences: { “positionBroadcastSecs”: 300, “waitBluetoothSecs”: 20, “phoneTimeoutSecs”: 900, “lsSecs”: 300, “region”: “ANZ”, “gpsUpdateInterval”: 300, “gpsAttemptTime”: 600 }
PRIMARY psk=default { “modemConfig”: “Bw125Cr48Sf4096”, “psk”: “AQ==”, “bandwidth”: 125, “spreadFactor”: 10, “codingRate”: 8 }
SECONDARY psk=secret { “psk”: “TjMMMmF5Q1eNdxs23Xe5G4rKZayMQSJxFzwGVsgM08E=”, “name”: “admin” }
Primary channel URL: Meshtastic URL | Meshtastic
Complete URL (includes all channels): Meshtastic URL | Meshtastic
DEBUG:root:Closing stream
DEBUG:root:Sending: disconnect: true
DEBUG:root:reader is exiting
DEBUG:root:Closing our port