Meshtastic Device alpha


I think this is the thread that pertains to this issue.
So perhaps it is the different voltage divider ratio than the TTGO?

geeksvilleGreat contributor

May 9

oh sorry! I just noticed this crucial comment here:

Additional context
Manufacturer did not documented battery recognition mechanism. After search and test here what we have:
battery_pin = GPIO37
ratio of voltage divider = 3.20 (R1=100k, R2=220k)

No battery detection in heltec devices

opened Mar 26, 2021

superjasiek superjasiek

Describe the bug Due to lack of battery recognition and voltage reading hel

Which I bet explains the problem you are seeing on your board. I think I’ll have to make a HELTEC_V2 hwmodel and use different R scalings (and different GPIO) for the board you have.