Drop old meshtastic map pins

I’m just putting it out here as an idea:

Is there a way to have the meshtastic map app check in with us every six months or a year requiring an email verification stating that the meshtastic device is still in place? Even though I have had mine up for two plus years now, currently running as a public repeater and I have my email address associated with it, I’ve never had anybody reach out even though I made it clear that anyone could. Maybe that’s because there’s just been nobody nearby that was interested, but I think people just see so many that they don’t know what’s active and what’s not. When I first started i used to drive around and try to connect to the ones I saw and never found any to connect to, but that was before they were able to be set up as public repeaters, I was just using the default and hoping to connect . This would make the map a more valuable tool to everyone. I don’t know if it’s possible though, it’s just a thought.

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That canva map is not managed by the project at all, honestly don’t even know who runs it.

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It’s @Kak123

Even if there were a verification as you mention, there’s no way to verify that the information is accurate since it’s all self-reported. We’ve also seen people “vandalize” the map before with obscenities. Personally, I don’t believe a single node on that map. Myself, and I’m sure most others, don’t even report node locations on it.

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I appreciate the info :blush:

I’m new to this Meshtastic thing, and understand the whole off grid thing, but could the app not report back active nodes once back online or is this not possible, they could be highlighted in a different colours by last used date…

Not this map, it’s all user reported.

Someone nearby finally reached out :slight_smile:

Is there another official map?

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Not official, but there is https://map.technicallyrural.com/ (It gets the nodes from MQTT).

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