Deleted post due to abuse via the mesh

Abuse from !75e9aa24 so post closed. Many thanks to all who helped test the ranges and messages.

Message from Kidderminster is me KD1 longname “Kidderminster node dipole”
I’ve been replying every time you post on longfast but never seam to get out
I live in a extremely rf noisy environment currently with water meters jamming meshtastic so that definitely doesn’t help

Looking at your screen shot I never got your reply
Here a screen shot of my end like I’ve said meshtastic or any radio for that matter is extremely hit and miss here

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Here’s a trace route I just managed to get

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Hi. Thanks for replying. Yours is the first message I have received via meshtastic. A momentous day in my holiday… :rofl: Indeed I am thinking that the mesh requires multiple attempts and the fact that a message arrives somewhere has no correlation with the chance of a REPLY to that message being able to received by the sender. This is the first time I see this effect. In Munich where we are meshing everything (see here Solar node for top of tall building ) and here for a coverage map ( Meshtastic Munich good locations - Google My Maps ) … I simply do not get this. There is a whatsapp group in Munich for the Mesh - so we know if there is a problem with messages not getting back and forth. Though to be fair, the distances involved here in Gloucestershire are far larger. I am beginning to thing there is an optimum average node separation for 27 dB power that I am using. Or perhaps your point is the key: in the UK that frequency might be full of all sorts of transmission used by other non-meshers. I see lots of antennae on all sorts of kit in the UK (water stations, electricity sub-stations… )
Thanks again…

I believe that interference combined with just the distances causes problems with meshtastic i did a test from pwellheli to Barmouth north wales and messages were going back and forth fine most likely because it was a over water path

I would love to put a node up on a tower block here but most are going to be demolished in the next few years

If my dad was still working I could probably get away with putting a node at some of the utility sites he used to look after especially the ones up on hills

Also trace route to dong I almost forgot about

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Recieved in Lower Moor - unfortunately I dont think my setup is powerful enough to respond. I did send a message at 1554. Just started today, this and your Vale of Evesham posta have been really insightful. Thanks!

Thanks! My MTe (T-echo) went on the blink at about 16:00. That device has been iffy for a while. Nice of you to post here! Thanks for trying to reply. Nothing received here and no node with short name 8rad had appeared on any of my node lists.

Hi, I received your message in Exhall. I did reply. My nodes ares EXH1 and EXH2.

Still loud and clear to me in Worcester

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Hi im worcester node north and worcester node South i also have a tbeam that i take mobile. I can see your nodes

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@ akirayuki. Thanks ! I unfortunately see neither your nodes nor your replies…

Thanks. What are the node short names? I seem not to have them in my list…

Hi they are wnn_1038 and wns_0820

Thanks! I do not see them unfortunately.

@adingbatponder You appear in my list 2 hops away.

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Thanks for the info. Probably quite a challenge to reply in view of lie of the land…

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7acc still not seen by me… sorry.

nicetraceroute up to Birmingham