Just set up my node and using the stock antenna, placed my Heltec V3 outside on the window sill. I’m downtown Berlin with lots of brick buildings and since I’m on the first floor, didn’t expect much. The online map for meshtastic didn’t look too promising either!
Much to my surprise I did however manage to pick up another node. Tried pinging it via direct msg but no reply so far:
Seeing up to 19 nodes now! Unfortunately none of them seem to accept incoming traffic?
Pretty amazing how they’re between 1.7 to 14Km from me and I unchecked MQTT!
Have you purged node_db to get rid of MQTT peers (as well as turning off MQTT). I had the problem of thinking LoRA has improved greatly since i last tried it, seeing stations 17miles away. But it was all MQTT.
You can try a traceroute command like here which gives you a result if you are in real-time two-way connection. You need to have the same encryption key as the outstation. I have a secondary channel set to LongFast AQ== as per the docs so I would be able to see and relay default stations without sharing my loc with them. There’s only one RF channel on EU_868 else I’d also have to set that as default.
I found the app cached peers too, so I had to restart my phone to get rid of the peers in the app, after I had purged nodedb and shut down the MQTT module
Node and Antenna are set up, but not receiving any stations.
From my Station in Lichterfelde I receive signals from Lichtenberg - but somehow they do not reach to Hoppegarten.
Hallo an die Berliner. Seit einiger Zeit ist es in Berlin mitte kaum möglich zuverlässig Nachrichten zu versenden. Moabit Tiergarten die Area ist wie ein Bermuda Dreieck… Habt ihr auch diese Efahrungen?