433/470Mhz T-beam and 915Mhz T-Echo on same net?

I have a T-echo that has a 868/915Mhz chip and a T-Beam with a 433/470Mhz chip, both have the 1.3.41 firmware. I set both devices up using the Android app and the same QR code for the same network. I noticed that the messages are showing up on both devices. Are the messages being relayed via the phone and Bluetooth? The devices should not be able to communicate via LORA due to the different frequencies. Can the LORA chips operate outside of the designed frequency range? When the two devices are 2 feet apart they show the other device and a signal between 56% and 87%. It seems like they are communicating via LORA even-though they should be on different frequencies.

If you have them set to the same region they will communicate, likely that the unit that is set to use the frequency not on the chip will perform badly once you are no longer in the same room.