I live in Australia and I bought 3 Tbeam 923MHz boards off ebay.
I wanted to keep track of my family via GPS and messages while in remote locations and in Shit Hits The Fan SHTF scenarios for safety reasons. I was thinking about having a solar panel to recharge one in a fixed position. I have a small drone to attach a Tbeam to increase the transmission distance if need be. I’m a bit over whelmed by the Options.
Thier aren’t to many 923MHz lora boards out there but alot of 915MHz and I watch a video showing a single board comparing transmission strength over a varied frequencies with similar results over the 915MHz and 923MHz so I wondered are they the same board with different settings?
Thank you
are other smaller boards frequency configurable aswell with similar signal strength? and are all meshtastic boards able to communicate with each other if they are on the same frequency?