WisBlock rebooting itself

I have a strange situation I need help with. My WisBlock RAK4630 has been configured with my private channels and the public channel. And for some reason it will reboot itself for no reason. I have started to have the debug log open and when it reboots I take a screenshot. I am looking at the data and do not see anything that would tell me what is going on.

My question is, is the any troubleshoot software that I can load to pull data from the mode?

You can look at the serial logs using the CLI command meshtastic --noproto or any serial monitor on baud rate 115200.

Ok. I’ll look at that. Well here is an update. On the last reboot he node was completely reset. Someone has found a way to hack these things.

Do you have mqtt on? Nobody hacked you

I did have it on. I don’t now and it has not rebooted since. What else could it be other than hacking? I don’t see anyone else having this problem?

It got overloaded, there’s a lot of traffic on the default MQTT server. It’s a known issue and it is in the documentation: MQTT Module Configuration | Meshtastic

Or did you also have JSON enabled? Because that is a known issue on nRF52 boards as well, it will crash.

Well then hold do you explain a message from some one on my Private channel?

Maybe the random PSK key isn’t so random.

I have completely rebuilt the node and will update the keys with my own spin to see if that fixes it.

Their first mistake was thinking I was one of the Sheep.

JSON is not enabled and I did not see that info in the doc. Is there a doc on setting up my own MQTT server somewhere?

Holly Molly! I have a monitor running on the node and the traffic is crazy from the MQTT server. No yonder the node went nuts. So I’m guessing it reboots itself when it get overwhelmed?

Yes, lots of things that might go wrong when it cannot handle such a high amount of traffic.

Oh I don’t have a Mac and really not going to get one. Is there one that runs on windows or Linux?

Just search Mosquitto, it’s not specifically for Mac, but this guide is.