Wifi connection isnt working after 2.0 upgrade

I upgraded my radios from 1.2.67 to (edit, I have tried downgrading to 2.0.0 but get the same behavior as described in this post). I got all of them talking but one of them I always used via wifi connection. When I go into the client.meshtastic.org settings and network tab I add enable Wifi and the SSID as the network name (same thing I had in the 1.2.67 settings) and then put the wifi password in the PSK box. Then I add “0.pool.ntp.org” as the NTP server. If I try to save it it says “ethMode must be a valid enum value”. I’m not using Ethernet so I would assume that shouldn’t be enabled. If I enable it as DHCP and save it then it reboots the radio, but it doesn’t connect to the network via wifi. If I go back in to it and look at the settings it has Ethernet Config enabled but Wifi Config is not.

I’ve also tried addig the IP address in, but not sure what it’s expecting. My wifi router will give it the same IP address every time. There is “IP” twice, one has 4 boxes and the 2nd IP box is a large box that only allows one period. The Gateway box also only allows one period so I don’t understand what is going on with those boxes as I can’t enter the full IP address or gateway with only one period.

How do I get this to work? If I have to enter the IP address or gateway, how do I do that? A screenshot might help. Thanks!

Figured out you need to use the python command line stuff to set it.

Client is the latest version, your 2.0.6 node probably do not have all the protobufs necessary. The webui version hosting on your device at meshtastic.local should work with your 2.0.6 node.