Hi, would like to get in touch with users in Sweden. Im situated on the west coast (Tjörn) and currently experimenting with a few remote devices trying to maximize the range with a network.
Would be fun to get to know more people locally!
Hi, would like to get in touch with users in Sweden. Im situated on the west coast (Tjörn) and currently experimenting with a few remote devices trying to maximize the range with a network.
Would be fun to get to know more people locally!
Claes in Karlstad here!
Rune, Stockholm / Upplands Väsby here
Anyone in Sweden still playing around with meshtastic?
Fredrik from north of Uppsala.
Old post but still… I am located south of Stockholm and am considering getting started with Meshtastic.
If I get two Lilygo Echo devices for example, will other meshtastic devices within range relay messages while maintaining full encryption? Or do I need to make my own mesh network?
As long as they are using the same settings and are close enough, it will relay the mesh messages (meshages? ) I usually see 500-1000m range in Stockholm city at 868MHz with standard “factory” settings, Long Range - Fast, between two T-Echo devices. I would love to send a drone straight up at two different locations with a Mesh device strapped to the drone and another Mesh device straight under to see the range you can get.
Hey joar!
I’m not far from you, slightly east of Marstrand. Nothing up yet but hope to have some stuff ordered before new year and up and running before spring. Let’s keep in touch!
Thomas, Stockholm /La Essingen, testing in 433 MHz
Täby. Just started out and need to buy hardware and want to build a network for fun
Hi Fredrik, Hans SM3GDT running 433Mhz from Ljusdal. You find my info on ssa.se
Hi Rune Hans SM3GDT here running 433Mhz from Ljusdal. I also run a APRS gateway with LoRa on 433. You find my info on ssa.se or qrz.com
SA5CDB finns fortfarande strax utanför Uppsala. 433 & 868.
Tja! Vi har ett gäng som bygger ut ett nät över Borlänge.
Kör 868 för att “alla” skall kunna deltaga (är radioamatör så har även LoRA 433Mhz APRS).
Räckvidden har vi fått till bra med repeater placerade på bra platser, till sommaren skall dessa byggas om till mer “självförsörjande”.
Let me know when you have hardware to test with. We might be able to create a mesh. I have a few boards.
I’m thinking about getting into Meshtastic but I’m not sure if I should go for 433 or 868?
What is the “Swedish” standard?
(I’m living 40km away from Borlänge, so maybe I also should go with a 868 and try to join the Borlänge net that @makii talking about)
I think most people in Sweden use 868mhz.
Jag får testa att nå er nästa gång jag besöker Romme Alpin då.
Absolut vi kör default kanalen med LongFast
Tycker jag absolut, om du har någon bra placering så kan du få länka ihop med oss via MQTT/internet.
Nu har jag har beställt ett par 868Mhz enheter (LILYGO T-Echo LoRa SX1262 och LILYGO T-Beam Meshtastic)
Vi får se om det fungerar, jag bor rätt högt upp (ca 300m.ö.h) så jag hade nästan hoppats på att kunna länka via radio, men som sagt, jag har ingen erfarenhet ännu om vilka avstånd man kan förvänta sig att det ska fungera på.