Just received a pair of these for ham lora from Amazon. How may I do the work to put these on Platformio boards menu. I am unable to build on it.

Just pointers / guidance would help. Unless its already done, And I have overlooked it.

  Thank, Bradshaw

What sort of error are you getting out of platform io? Are you using it in vs code?

Sorry for highjacking, but I have a few if those and I am experimenting with external hardware.
I got the GPS attached and working, but I am struggling with the encoder. No pin combination works for me.
Just to note I want to use external notification pin too.
Can anyone advise on which pins can be used for encoder input, given that I have GPS and external notification?
I am on 1.2, but encoder must be working, right?


Rotary encoders are totally untested on this device in 1.2, and 1.2 is not receiving any more updates.

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I tried on my TTGo Lora 2.1-1.6 also and same issue as you with none of the pins picking up a breakout encoder. I had some response on one direction when I assigned

CLK rotary breakout pin = Canned Message Setup A = 34 pin on TTGo LORA
DT rotary breakout pin = Canned Message Setup B = 35 pin on TTGo LORA
SW rotary breakout pin = Canned Message Setup C = 15 pin on TTGo LORA
GND rotary breakout pin = Gnd pin on TTGo LORA

  • rotary breakout pin = 5v pin on TTGo LORA

And then changed A = 14 (while having A (CLK wire) still wired to pin 34). I was able to occasionally scroll in one direction but no button response. It’s probably not supposed to work that way and is occuring due to changes in voltage maybe?

Ive tried looking for information on which pins on this Lora board have pull-up resistors but nothing online has that documented. Came across one example of an older board where someone added 10k resistors to buttons to pins 38, 39 and 34 ( LoRa GPS Tracker/Pager : 9 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables ) so that might be something to try.

My other tests using a tbeam and a rotary encoder kept on failing when I used long solid core 24 gauge hookup wire, but then I used short jumper wires to connect header pins soldered on the tbeam to the breakout rotary encoder the encoder worked. (See Standalone device utilized with rotary encoder as input - #48 ).

Ps wiring a button between pin 12 and ground on the board does allow cycling through menus so maybe that’s one of the pins that have a pull up resistor?

@mauricecyril did you figure this out? I have the rotary working well on a lily go version 1 board.

When trying the t3_V1.6.1 (same as you mention above) i can get it scrolling up and down but the select push button does not work. It is also a bit glitchy. The version 1 is solid though.

I have been trying to source the v2.1-1.8 or the T3S3-V1.0 as later boards but cannot them for sale!