Tdeck wont show messages on the screen and has issues sending any messages

It’ll show the message sender , how many hops away they are and any other info but will not show the messages they send. I can pick up nodes fine. When I try to send a message out , it just says “failed to deliver to unknown” on it. I checked my antenna and it seems to be fine as far as I can tell. I’m running the latest stable software. Should I do a reinstall of the software and see if that helps? sorry if this is something easy to fix , this is my first meshtastic device.

Have you done the “Radio configuration” from your phone?

Under “Channels” set to “Longfast”
Under “Device” “Role” set to “Client”

yup. Channel is set to long fast with the default encryption key. Device role is set to client. I had reset the device to its defaults as I had these issues when I changed stuff around , but it didnt fix anything. Everything in the settings is the default you get when you first pair the device to the app.

I have several T-decks, they usually just work.
Do you have someone with a node nearby that you can coordinate a test with?
Do you see the message content on your phone?
Does the phone alert upon message receipt?
Does the T-Deck give audio alert upon message receipt?

I just sent a test message from my Heltec V3 node to my T-Deck. The T-deck immediately beeps and and displays:

1m ago from 4064 (my sending node) “Test”

My phone which is paired with the T-Deck alerts and shows a message from 4064 “test” in the chat log for LongFast

I dont currently have anyone near me with a node that I could test. I have to drive about 20 minutes to get to any nodes. The messages do not show up on my phone and I don’t get an audio alert when anything I received. Maybe the nodes I picked up were just sending position data and no actual message? I also don’t have another device of which I could use to test the receiving ability of my t deck. I may look into picking up a heltec too see if it’s a problem with my t deck or a problem with the nodes around me being on a different channel or having different settings. That said , looked at the node map and all the ones around me said they had the default channel so I don’t know what was up with that.