Newbie struggling to send a message

Hi there, I got two LILYGO TTGO Meshtastic T-Beam V1.1 ESP32 on the same channel and niether are in sleep mode but when I try to send a message on the app that is connected to one of the tbeams it fails to send. It doesn’t seem to even make it to the tbeam as I don’t see the message pop up on there. Any help would be much appreciated!

what firmware version and what app and version are you running?

1.2.52 on the Tbeam and the mestastic app

  • android? iOS?
  • the radio on the photo is 430/470MHz, are both the same? are you using EU433 for “Region” (band plan)?
  • did you share the channel via QR code/link?


-I’d have to check when I get home but it should be set to US

-yes I shared it by the QR code

Do you have the meshtastic command line program on your computer? Can you plug each tbeam in, and post the output of meshtastic --info for each node?

No I don’t, is there somewhere I can download that?

Also a newbie here, but I do have my ham radio license. My guess is that you’ve sent it to US which is trying to use 915mhz instead of 433. Seems like the location you’ll want to set is eu433, not US.

Can seem to get that to work, I have the files but I don’t know how to run the software. Following the instructions on the linked site lead me to downloading a new driver but can seem to install the driver…

That serial driver is going to be required for any of the software to work. Unfortunately the most common USB to serial chip is currently totally unavailable due to the chip shortages so you may need to install the correct driver.

Once the driver is installed you should be able to use the GUI flasher and configuration tool Using Meshtastic Flasher | Meshtastic