Without knowing… i’m going to assume it’s windows 10?
You can try to install python and run this node from inside you command line and change things without needed another device. Here is python
when you install please for all things earthly check the box that says “Add Python X.Y to PATH” this will save us both.
click here to get a driver for your ESP32 device (your T-Beam) so the computer will know what it is.
After that, click on the search magnifying glass next to your windows start memu. Search “CMD” and open the Command prompt app.
in the window run
py -- version
once complete run
pip --version
once complete run
pip3 install --upgrade esptool
now that we have everthing installed let us confirm the computer is on the same page. run
esptool chip_id
It should start checking ports and doing it’s thing. It will fail and that’s OK.
Next we are going to plug the T-beam into the computers USB port using a programming cable. You should hear the jingle of the computer. If you don’t, your issue is the cable. Get a programming cable.
Once that’s done, go into your command prompt and run
meshtastic --help
This should load a bunch of things you can run. This also means meshtastic is installed correctly.
Lets try the web
flasher again
choose erase and wipe or whater it says.
once complete, close out of the flasher browser window/tab. With the T-beam plugged into the computer run, lets run
meshtastic --info"
This should show you all the current settings E.G. name, wifi enabled, position updates, region, channels…
You have to set region in order to have it start broadcasting to your mesh!
you can at this point connect via BLE or run the CLI for region. for United states run
meshtastic --set lora.region US
if differnt than the United States just change the “US” to your region code.
a list of regions can be found here
This node should be working on a default channel and is avalible in the mesh.
good luck