Tbeam with black screen

Hello all I have a TTgo T beam everything seems to work but the led is black. I uploaded a bug report a few in ago. the screen was working yesterday.

Hi and welcome to the forum!
What did you do between it was working and the black screen?
Flash a new firmware?
If so, Witch bin-file did you use and which commands did you run to flash it?
What type of TBeam do you have? Any model number printed on the board close to the antenna?
Maybe post a picture of it?
Is it runnig on battery or usb?

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Aside from the helpful info @claesg asks, I can add that the soldering of the screen to the tbeam is susceptible to incomplete contact. I’ve had to go back and make sure solder seats the pin on both sides of the board.

T22 V1.1 all that I did was charge the battery on external charger made sure polarization was correct when put battery back tried running both battery and USB. my other tbeam is getting text sent from it

I’ve seen similar issues when removing and reattaching the screen or when one of the pins got wiggled and wasn’t making complete contact. I resoldered and reflashed and the screen came back up. Coinciding with the screen blanking out was reduced led light activity, specifically blue and a little red but not all red.

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thank ill try that to resolder.

Simple fix that did it :ok_hand:


You can also check the debug info on a serial connection. It can be done in many ways.
One way is to install the python package as described in

Use the command ‘meshtastic’ that is provided with the python package.
I am on the wrong computer now so i cannot provide any examples, but start with
meshtastic -h
Maybe somebody else can provide an example of how to access the serial log.

Thank everyone for the help I will download python tomorrow.


what @claesg was referring to, on linux using screen, run this in a console and then press the reset button on the tbeam. It will produce all kinds of diagnostic output.

screen -L /dev/ttyUSB0 921600 8-N-1

You could use any terminal client like putty, tmux or minicom, even hyperterm

If there is a need to log serial output into a file for Linux and minicom you can use :
sudo minicom -C filename.txt

You do need to setup parity and speed in advance for the above command to work, example below:

$ minicom -s -c on

You need to configure serial port. Use up and down arrows to select menus. Press down and select Serial port setup :

Press A to setup serial device name such as /dev/ttyS1
Press E to setup Bps/Par/Bits
Press [ESC] to exit
Save setup as DFL