Off the shelf device? Way to see other devices in area?

Hello, I’m obviously new to these devices. I just found out about them from a Redditor after posting how gotenna is dead in my area. He suggested Meshtastic. I don’t know anything about electronics. I’d like something plug and play. No soldering. Any way to know if other users are in the area?

This would probably be the best option for no soldering you would have to install the firmware but the instructions are fairly straightforward:

What area are you located in?

This is some good reading material on meshtastic even if you need to translate it:

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you can check:

registration is manual and voluntary so there are probably quite a few nodes missing or outdated, but it gives an overall idea of Meshtastic presence in your area.

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I’m in NY, USA. I’ve been trying to read a little of that any chance I can. That’s some great info for whoever posted that! thank you.

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