@Sparks no one close enough to make a connection in my area, altho there are a couple new nodes on the map since August! Just need more people plugging in nodes to make a Delmarva mesh.
Hi, I added a node 100m above Ballston Metro Station.
This is my first node ever, and I think have it set to act as a repeater for all messages/channels even the ones he can’t decrypt.
Edit: I put him on the map for everyone to see.
If you have any tips on how to properly tune/set the settings I welcome them.
I will try to find a good antenna. If the person in Alexandria is on here then I would love to collaborate and set up a directional Yagi antenna to your node.
Curious what is the hardware and antenna currently?
And how did you mount a device 100m AGL?? Especially in Ballston being a rather dense city.
I see your node on the canvas map. Would be helpful to add a connection URL in the details, or in this thread, so people can join you. Being so high, yours could be a primary router for the area.
May I suggest using the preset named ‘LongFast’ for primary channel. Then add an ‘admin’ channel on secondary, and maybe your own private spaces on channel 3,4,5,etc
The default behavior for Repeater and Router device role is to rebroadcast all packets it is able to receive based on 1. Primary channel and 2. Modem settings, regardless of channel settings.
If you want your Repeater node to rebroadcast all packets regardless of access and keys, set Rebroadcast mode appropriately. See the docs here, refer to ALL_SKIP_DECODING which makes it a true Repeater for nodes outside your mesh channels. Device Configuration | Meshtastic
Regarding antenna, the included ones from TTGO have decent performance. An Omni with 3-5 dbi gain is a good upgrade for you. Too much gain may cause your node to hear it’s own packets from reflections, raising the noise floor and decreasing performance.- ted
@ted near fair oaks hospital but don’t see anyone around me. Have a t-beam with generic antenna at ground level. Lots of 100’ trees around me. Plan on driving by Reston hospital area to see if I have better luck picking you up.
Unfortunately my station won’t listen past the west side of route 28 since it is built on a terrain ridge; you can see my station center here. Its antenna is mounted just 3 stories high and, like you, we have plenty of trees in the way of our 915 waves.
If we’re going to build a mesh, I think we need some nodes mounted higher. I’m open to ideas – friends with antenna towers, house or office building roofs would be ideal. That is until Lorawan gets built into street lights then we can all benefit.
Looks like I am 6km or so away. I did a quick drive by the town center area but did not pick up anything. Not sure if I am doing it right. Thanks for the antenna recommendations, looking to acquire one for a vehicle and fixed location. I am spending some extra time to mount a few extra antennas, just need to work out spacing, EMI, feed lengths, etc.
As for getting higher antenna locations, the ham radio community likely has the experience/contacts to inform our efforts.
I’m not involved in the HAM community around Nova; maybe someone else is involved?
We could use friends with access to towers, buildings, and other high point sites.
The two vehicle ants on that antenna reports page are great options.
For a mag base, I use this one from Proxicast: https://a.co/d/2G8ZCQT. There is a used option for $16 right now, good price.
I do have another, yet to put together. And I’m thinking of setting up a fixed station - just need to find a high place and then I’ll determine the power supply (grid or solar) - but this idea is down the road a bit. Need to get the current nodes connected.
Welcome @Whootie-Who
Seems we’re all looking for high mounting spots … or a few more closer nerd friends
At least your channel settings look correct.- ted