Any users in South Hanover, PA?

Hey! Looking for any users around Lake Marburg that may be able to help with some future testing. I just received a few different outdoor antennas that I wanted to range test. Currently working to set up a node about a mile east of the lake at about 850’ and would like to connect to a future node about a mile west of the lake near York street treat at about 650’. I have (2) Tbeams, (2) T echos, (2) T decks, ans (2) RAKs that I can utilize here, there, or anywhere. It would also be nice to utilize the mesh while at the lake since cell signal is terrible throughout this area. I’m new to Meshtastic but I can make duct tape stick to anything! If it ain’t broke, it will be once I get my hands on it! :grin:

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Hey, i’m somewhat nearby - out toward Glenville and drive through the Cordurus state park frequently to go to Hanover for shopping, etc.

I’ve got a handful of heltecs that i’ve been trying to find time to play with, along with a RAK to eventually build a repeater node, etc.

Cool! I’m up between Glenville and Jefferson. Let me know when you get a heltec fired up. I just got a couple RAK kits and a bunch of materials to put together some outdoor units. I’m at 853’ so I may be able to put up a good router for the area to reach out with. I got a bunch of other units and antennas in over the past few weeks that I want to try out. Look for the HMF OR HT nodes, that will be me

ok, cool - i’ll keep an eye out when i get the cases printed and assembled.

my elevation is like 950ish, but there are other taller hills between my location and roughly where you’d be… i might need to strap one of the heltec’s to a quadcopter, etc to get over the terrain masking.