Noob questions about hardware

Hey everyone! I’m just learning about this awesome tool, some quick answers would be appreciated. I’m looking at the different hardware options and was wondering how difficult the heltec Lora 32 is to flash, I’m in the US if that makes a difference.

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Welcome to the community! Flashing that hardware is very easy as there is a pre-built binary for it with every release. Have a look here.

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If you are total noob with computer, please consider buying pre-flashed tbeam.

If you are using a windows computer, you need basic python install and pip install experience, to properly flash the firmware with pre-built firmware binary. There’s no much difference with other hardware.

If you are a programmer work with linux, you can clone from github and build with, which take some time.

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The GUI flashing option is suitable for noob level too. I was that noob who couldn’t do command line so hacked another way!

I have also found platformio in Windows pretty easy once you find your way around it. I should probably do a noob guide for that too.

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Thank you for all your help! I think I’ll go with a couple heltecs to start with to save a couple bucks

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btw- I’ve heard from @SensorsIot when he did his testing, the range of the ttgo lora32 boards was a lot better than the heltec boards (and approximately the same price). So you might want to look into that option also.

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Thanks for letting me know, if that’s the case I think it’s worth the extra 2-3 bucks for the TTGO

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Also, I have a couple friends who don’t have andriods, is there an iOS port of the app yet?

I mean, sure, get a pre-flashed one if it’s easier, but @natecus, you don’t need any of this.

I think I used the ESPHome flash tool, which is a simple GUI.

  1. Plug in the USB
  2. open the app
  3. click the port drop-down to select the available port.
  4. Select the file to flash
  5. Click flash
  6. Done