Can't connect radio to Android app

Good morning,
Have just received a couple of LILYGO® TTGO Meshtastic T-Beam V1.1 ESP32 LoRa to configure. They are running 1.3.10 firmware and say to “Set Region” using the Android app etc.
I have installed the Meshtastic app on a Samsung Tab S6 Lite, successfully paired the radio using Bluetooth and the pairing code, and set the app permissions to allow access to “Nearby Devices” and use Location services.
So far, the app says that “you have not paired a radio yet.”

I would love any help getting these up and running!

Thank you

That is a pretty old alpha version, the current more stable alpha is 1.3.38 which includes a lot of bluetooth updates firmware install instructions are here Flashing ESP32 device firmware | Meshtastic

Thank you! I am unfortunately having a very hard time with the flashing instructions…
I was trying the Meshtastic Flasher method and can’t get the flasher to install using the command prompt instructions (Windows)…

Got the flasher working, but when I select “Get versions” it is pulling in 1.2.53 as the version…this seems backwards??