NEO 6 GPS slow to acquire fix, cold restart might be a solution

Does this group post i found have any bearing on slow acquisition of Fix on NEO 6 GPS modules? Does the Meshtastic code include a cold start reset in serial and i2c ? My GPS have stopped outputting anything even after shorting the battery. Looked at code and it looks like Meshtastic code only does a reset in serial mode not i2c. My last ditch attempt to bring back my Tbeam gps would be a snip-it of code inserted into Meshtastic to assume that my GPS are stuck in i2c mode and send a reset via i2c.

There is no I2C connection from the ESP32 to the GPS as far as I know.

Did you ever see this thread and try talking to the GPS and doing a reset through UBlox U Center? Gps does not work in my application after installing Mestastic

Brilliant , Both t-beams now sending GPS over serial after following your link to doing a UBlox U Center reset. I did consider U Centre. But missed the concept of doing a Serial pass through to connect to U-centre running on Windows… Good trick. Thank you.


Awesome, great to hear!

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