First: (had lat/long/alt hardcoded in with meshtastic tool, intended to act as a “base station”)
Connected to radio
Owner: mathiasx2 (mth)
My info: { "myNodeNum": 632413544, "numBands": 13, "firmwareVersion": "", "rebootCount": 34, "messageTimeoutMsec": 300000, "minAppVersion": 20200, "maxChannels": 8 }
Nodes in mesh:
{'num': 632413544, 'user': {'id': '!25b1dd68', 'longName': 'mathiasx2', 'shortName': 'mth', 'macaddr': 'THUlsd1o', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2_1_1p6'}, 'position': {'latitudeI': REDACT, 'longitudeI': -REDACT, 'altitude': 205, 'batteryLevel': 74, 'latitude': REDACT, 'longitude': REDACT}}
{'num': 632414276, 'user': {'id': '!25b1e044', 'longName': 'mathiasx', 'shortName': 'mth', 'macaddr': 'THUlseBE', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2_1_1p6', 'raw': id: "!25b1e044" long_name: "mathiasx" short_name: "mth" macaddr: "Lu%\261\340D" hw_model: TLORA_V2_1_1p6 }, 'position': {'raw': }, 'lastHeard': None, 'snr': 9.5, 'lastReceived': {'from': 632414276, 'to': 4294967295, 'decoded': {'portnum': 'NODEINFO_APP', 'payload': b'\n\t!25b1e044\x12\x08mathiasx\x1a\x03mth"\x06Lu%\xb1\xe0D0\x03', 'user': {'id': '!25b1e044', 'longName': 'mathiasx', 'shortName': 'mth', 'macaddr': 'THUlseBE', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2_1_1p6', 'raw': id: "!25b1e044" long_name: "mathiasx" short_name: "mth" macaddr: "Lu%\261\340D" hw_model: TLORA_V2_1_1p6 }}, 'id': 1203901101, 'rxSnr': 9.5, 'hopLimit': 3, 'raw': from: 632414276 to: 4294967295 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP payload: "\n\t!25b1e044\022\010mathiasx\032\003mth\"\006Lu%\261\340D0\003" } id: 1203901101 rx_snr: 9.5 hop_limit: 3 , 'fromId': '!25b1e044', 'toId': '^all'}, 'hopLimit': 3}
Preferences: { "waitBluetoothSecs": 3600, "phoneTimeoutSecs": 900, "lsSecs": 300, "fixedPosition": true }
PRIMARY psk=default { "modemConfig": "Bw125Cr48Sf4096", "psk": "AQ==" }
Primary channel URL:
Connected to radio
Owner: mathiasx (mth)
My info: { "myNodeNum": 632414276, "numBands": 13, "firmwareVersion": "", "rebootCount": 17, "messageTimeoutMsec": 300000, "minAppVersion": 20200, "maxChannels": 8 }
Nodes in mesh:
{'num': 632414276, 'user': {'id': '!25b1e044', 'longName': 'mathiasx', 'shortName': 'mth', 'macaddr': 'THUlseBE', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2_1_1p6'}, 'position': {'batteryLevel': 67}, 'lastHeard': 1636563753}
{'num': 632413544, 'user': {'id': '!25b1dd68', 'longName': 'mathiasx2', 'shortName': 'mth', 'macaddr': 'THUlsd1o', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2_1_1p6', 'raw': id: "!25b1dd68" long_name: "mathiasx2" short_name: "mth" macaddr: "Lu%\261\335h" hw_model: TLORA_V2_1_1p6 }, 'position': {'latitudeI': REDACT, 'longitudeI': -REDACT, 'raw': latitude_i: REDACT longitude_i: -REDACT , 'latitude': REDACT, 'longitude': -REDACT}, 'lastHeard': None, 'snr': 10.75, 'lastReceived': {'from': 632413544, 'to': 4294967295, 'decoded': {'portnum': 'NODEINFO_APP', 'payload': b'\n\t!25b1dd68\x12\tmathiasx2\x1a\x03mth"\x06Lu%\xb1\xddh0\x03', 'user': {'id': '!25b1dd68', 'longName': 'mathiasx2', 'shortName': 'mth', 'macaddr': 'THUlsd1o', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2_1_1p6', 'raw': id: "!25b1dd68" long_name: "mathiasx2" short_name: "mth" macaddr: "Lu%\261\335h" hw_model: TLORA_V2_1_1p6 }}, 'id': 1602078082, 'rxSnr': 10.75, 'hopLimit': 3, 'raw': from: 632413544 to: 4294967295 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP payload: "\n\t!25b1dd68\022\tmathiasx2\032\003mth\"\006Lu%\261\335h0\003" } id: 1602078082 rx_snr: 10.75 hop_limit: 3 , 'fromId': '!25b1dd68', 'toId': '^all'}, 'hopLimit': 3}
Preferences: { "waitBluetoothSecs": 1200, "phoneTimeoutSecs": 900, "lsSecs": 300 }
PRIMARY psk=default { "modemConfig": "Bw125Cr48Sf4096", "psk": "AQ==" }
Primary channel URL: