Troubleshooting connectivity between radios with Python API

Picked up a couple of the TTGO-lora32 devices. (I do have a couple of the TTGO T-Beam on order; they have not arrived yet.)

Having a bit of trouble getting them to communicate.

I wanted to use my home linux server as a receiver. So I’ve been focusing on that. I’ve tried to send messages through my phone too, they just don’t show up on the screen of the other TTGO device.

Any thoughts on what I may try next? Details below
Also, The API looks great so far @geeksville , Thanks for all of your work.

Some Details on my setup and meshtastic --test results:

running ubuntu 18.04
Python 3.6.9

 sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>  # To allow access to the /dev/ttyUSB# 
 mkdir meshtastic-test && cd meshtastic-test
 python3 -m venv env
 . env/bin/activate ## you should now be in your python3 environment
 pip install --upgrade meshtastic

Both are on the Default Channel:
channel_settings {
tx_power: 23
psk: “\324\361\273: )\007Y\360\274\377\253\317Ni\277”
name: “Default”

Ran the --test, but I’m not getting any receives.

$meshtastic --test
INFO:root:Writing serial debugging to log_dev_ttyUSB0
INFO:root:Writing serial debugging to log_dev_ttyUSB1
INFO:root:Ports opened, waiting for device to complete connection
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.established
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.established
INFO:root:Found devices, starting tests...
INFO:root:Sending test packet from 2441879112 to 4294967295
ERROR:root:Test failed, expected packet not received (1 failures so far)
INFO:root:Sending test packet from 2441879112 to 4294967295
From /dev/ttyUSB0: {'from': 2441879112, 'to': 2441879112, 'decoded': {'failId': 1430718998}, 'id': 1430719000, 'fromId': '!500291xxxxxx', 'toId': '!500291xxxxxx'}
ERROR:root:Test failed, expected packet not received (2 failures so far)
INFO:root:Sending test packet from 2441879112 to 4294967295
From /dev/ttyUSB0: {'from': 2441879112, 'to': 2441879112, 'decoded': {'failId': 1430718999}, 'id': 1430719002, 'fromId': '!500291xxxxxx', 'toId': '!500291xxxxxx'}
ERROR:root:Test failed, expected packet not received (3 failures so far)
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.lost
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.lost

swapped Sender i.e. plugged in yyyyyy before xxxxxx

$meshtastic --test
INFO:root:Writing serial debugging to log_dev_ttyUSB0
INFO:root:Writing serial debugging to log_dev_ttyUSB1
INFO:root:Ports opened, waiting for device to complete connection
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.established
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.established
INFO:root:Found devices, starting tests...
INFO:root:Sending test packet from 2441879184 to 4294967295
ERROR:root:Test failed, expected packet not received (1 failures so far)
INFO:root:Sending test packet from 2441879184 to 4294967295
From /dev/ttyUSB0: {'from': 2441879184, 'to': 2441879184, 'decoded': {'failId': 877667552}, 'id': 877667554, 'fromId': '!500291yyyyyy', 'toId': '!500291yyyyyy'}
ERROR:root:Test failed, expected packet not received (2 failures so far)
INFO:root:Sending test packet from 2441879184 to 4294967295
From /dev/ttyUSB0: {'from': 2441879184, 'to': 2441879184, 'decoded': {'failId': 877667553}, 'id': 877667556, 'fromId': '!500291yyyyyy', 'toId': '!500291yyyyyy'}
ERROR:root:Test failed, expected packet not received (3 failures so far)
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.lost
Connection changed: meshtastic.connection.lost


$meshtastic --info --device /dev/ttyUSB0
Connected to radio
my_node_num: 2441879184
num_channels: 13
region: "1.0-US"
hw_model: "tlora-v2"
firmware_version: "0.9.1"
packet_id_bits: 32
current_packet_id: 877667557
node_num_bits: 32
message_timeout_msec: 300000
min_app_version: 172

preferences {
  position_broadcast_secs: 900
  send_owner_interval: 4
  wait_bluetooth_secs: 120
  screen_on_secs: 300
  phone_timeout_secs: 900
  phone_sds_timeout_sec: 7200
  mesh_sds_timeout_secs: 7200
  sds_secs: 31536000
  ls_secs: 3600
channel_settings {
  tx_power: 23
  psk: "\324\361\273: )\007Y\360\274\377\253\317Ni\277"
  name: "Default"

Nodes in mesh:
{'num': 2441879184, 'user': {'id': '!500291xxxxxx', 'longName': 'Receiver', 'shortName': 'R', 'macaddr': 'UAKRxxxx'}}

$meshtastic --info --device /dev/ttyUSB1
Connected to radio
my_node_num: 2441879112
num_channels: 13
region: "1.0-US"
hw_model: "tlora-v2"
firmware_version: "0.9.1"
packet_id_bits: 32
current_packet_id: 951891620
node_num_bits: 32
message_timeout_msec: 300000
min_app_version: 172

preferences {
  position_broadcast_secs: 900
  send_owner_interval: 4
  wait_bluetooth_secs: 120
  screen_on_secs: 300
  phone_timeout_secs: 900
  phone_sds_timeout_sec: 7200
  mesh_sds_timeout_secs: 7200
  sds_secs: 31536000
  ls_secs: 3600
channel_settings {
  tx_power: 23
  psk: "\324\361\273: )\007Y\360\274\377\253\317Ni\277"
  name: "Default"

Nodes in mesh:
{'num': 2441879112, 'user': {'id': '!500291yyyyyy', 'longName': 'or', 'shortName': 'o', 'macaddr': 'UAKRyyyy'}}
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hmm. Can you post the results of “mesthastic --info” when run against each of your devices? That will let me see the settings for the two radios.

Yes, Updated the original post.
(Note: Obfuscated the ID/Mac with xxx and yyy)

Oops, I think I was using the wrong firmware.

Initially I think I’d loaded: firmware-tlora-v2-US-0.9.1.bin
This time I did a firmware reload with: firmware-tlora-v2-1-1.6-US-0.9.1.bin
–info now shows
hw_model: “tlora-v2-1-1.6”
and I see multiple nodes on the mesh

INFO:root:Test succeeded (8 successes so far)
and the tests are working now. woo!

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ok - glad it worked out.

me: shakes angry fist and the crummy naming and numbering system of TTGO boards

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