Meshtastic app shows datetime stuck on 1970/01/01 01:00 on received msg

I am using app 1.1.48 and device firmware 1.1.48 it happens that any message received shows up in the App screen with datetime associated stuck on 1970/01/01 01:00 (my local time is gmt+1). Sent messages report correct time (no date is there though)

opened Meshtastic app shows datetime stuck at 1970/01/01 01:00 on received msgs · Issue #253 · meshtastic/Meshtastic-Android · GitHub

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Ooh. Would you mind putting a bug in for meshtastic-android on GitHub and link to this thread? I’ll try to fix this in the Android release for this week.

(Also, the 1.1.50 device code might have fixed this but I’ll have to check…)

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Ok, opened the issue in meshtastic-android.