No App sync after setting lat lon alt via CLI


after setting a fixed position with
meshtastic --setlat 25.2 --setlon -16.8 --setalt 120
text messages aren’t shown anymore in the android app. I can send messages, and they are delivered to all devices, but the phone connected to the device with the fixed position won’t get the message in the app.

I don’t know where to open an issue because this could be related to CLI, Android or device.

Maybe someone could test this. I flashed my tbeams via “” cleared all app data and set fixed position.

After resetting the tbeams the fixed position setting is gone and messaging works again as expected.

Thanks :blush:

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Yes, same here. I thought it was me, but it looks like a bug.


Thanks. Could one of y’all open this as a bug for the Android app and I’ll look into it tomorrow morning. Please include a link in this thread.


Thanks for pointing me to the right place to file the issue :+1:

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