Great update!
The gps settings via the app are working fine on my four t-beams with the 1.1.42 device load.
I have upgraded the devices via ESPHome Flasher as it did not work via the app, but I need to do a proper reset of the devices as explained in another thread.
I think I was testing with this version last night on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8. I also had a Samsung Galaxy A70 running the non-alpha release. I could send from the Note 8 and receive the message on the A70, but I couldn’t receive on the Note 8. The message appears on both TBeam 1.0 LCD screens either way. I swapped which TBeams were connected to which phones, but the Note 8 still couldn’t receive messages. I uninstalled the app, reinstalled it, and rebooted the note 8, but same problem.