Is Meshtastic spying on users?

I don’t know where those IPs belong to, but it is no secret that the app uses analytics: Possibly switching android analytics provider. Feedback requested
This only becomes an issue if you’re using an ungoogled android, because in any other case, google already knows much more about your behaviour than the app sends metrics to improve the quality of the app.
Maybe this can be communicated more transparently.

Apart from that, everyone can look at the source code and compile the app by themselves. To my best knowledge, there is no “spying” happening here.

I agree, that it is a bit counterintuitive for a project like meshtastic to have analytics enabled by default, because the background and environment communicates “off-grid”, “independence” and “privacy”. However, again, everyone using a vanilla android phone with google services already sends more telemetry to google than the app.