Heltec has provided a Meshtastic file for the Wireless Bridge, but no way to upload

As the title says, I cant find a way to get the meshtastic bin file onto the device. I tried command line flashing on Mac OS, and it doesnt work. Maybe some one can help, or it can be added to official supported devices list? Thanks.

Here is the link to the meshtastic bin file for the wireless bridge.


Edit: I figured it out. I flashed the bin file. The pairing pin is 123456

To flash the firmware, download esptools on github from espressif. Once you do that, place the BIN file in the same directory as esptools. Open a cmd window in that folder, and copy and paste the following command:

esptool.exe --port COM11 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm dout 0x0 Wireless_Bridge_Meshtastic.bin

NOTE: make sure to replace the COM port number 11 with your actual port number. You can check device manager for this.

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