Firmware does not activate wi-fi 1.3.40.e87ecc2

Attempts to connect the device via wi-fi end up with nothing.

In the attached log you can see that the device has the given ssid and password and changing the mode will not bring the result. AP mode also doesn’t work.
Tested on two devices.

Owner: Meshtastic 25ca (25ca)
My info: { “myNodeNum”: 328738250, “hasGps”: true, “firmwareVersion”: “1.3.40.e87ecc2-d”, “bitrate”: 74.341286, “messageTimeoutMsec”: 300000, “minAppVersion”: 20300, “maxChannels”: 8, “channelUtilization”: 7.108333, “airUtilTx”: 0.0565 }
Nodes in mesh: {‘num’: 328738250, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!139825ca’, ‘longName’: ‘Meshtastic 25ca’, ‘shortName’: ‘25ca’, ‘macaddr’: ‘c6:10:13:98:25:ca’, ‘hwModel’: ‘T_ECHO’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1493256679}, ‘lastHeard’: 1493256679, ‘deviceMetrics’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘voltage’: 4.677, ‘channelUtilization’: 2.2166667, ‘airUtilTx’: 0.07497223}} {‘num’: 4269571084, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!fe7c7c0c’, ‘longName’: ‘user’, ‘shortName’: ‘XXX’, ‘macaddr’: ‘d6:10:fe:7c:7c:0c’, ‘hwModel’: ‘T_ECHO’}, ‘position’: {‘latitudeI’: 500770345, ‘longitudeI’: 220388426, ‘altitude’: 176, ‘time’: 1663012540, ‘latitude’: XX.077034499999996, ‘longitude’: XX.0388426}, ‘snr’: 5.25, ‘lastHeard’: 1493256658, ‘deviceMetrics’: {‘batteryLevel’: 96, ‘voltage’: 4.171, ‘channelUtilization’: 8.151667, ‘airUtilTx’: 0.1668611}, ‘lastReceived’: {‘from’: 4269571084, ‘to’: 328738250, ‘id’: 597586487, ‘rxTime’: 1493256658, ‘rxSnr’: 5.25, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘rxRssi’: -61, ‘fromId’: ‘!fe7c7c0c’, ‘toId’: ‘!139825ca’}, ‘hopLimit’: 3} {‘num’: 634850204, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!25d70b9c’, ‘longName’: ‘Meshtastic 0b9c’, ‘shortName’: ‘0b9c’, ‘macaddr’: ‘4c:75:25:d7:0b:9c’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TLORA_V2_1_1p6’}, ‘position’: {}, ‘snr’: 6.5, ‘lastHeard’: 1493235000, ‘deviceMetrics’: {‘batteryLevel’: 54, ‘voltage’: 3.78, ‘airUtilTx’: 0.61883336}}

Preferences: { “device”: { “ntpServer”: “” }, “position”: { “positionFlags”: 3 }, “power”: { “lsSecs”: 300 }, “wifi”: { “enabled”: true, “ssid”: “my_ssid_home”, “psk”: “my_pass_home” }, “display”: {}, “lora”: { “region”: “EU868” }, “bluetooth”: { “fixedPin”: 123456 } }

Module preferences: { “mqtt”: {}, “serial”: {}, “externalNotification”: {}, “rangeTest”: {}, “telemetry”: {}, “cannedMessage”: {} }

PRIMARY psk=default { “psk”: “AQ==” }

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The settings saved, when the device reboots is creates a ssl cert and connects you to your wifi, is your wifi 2.4 ghz capable?

The device does not connect to the wifi network and does not create its own in AP mode.
This is2.4 ghz network.

Why are you using AP mode if you are trying to hook up to wifi?

You can configure wifi from apple apps or the CLI.

You will find the settings and several examples here:

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We used this manual. but as in the attached log it doesn’t work.

I don’t see any logs.

In the first post is text from windows command.

Hi. I had the opportunity to participate in the configuration of the device and unfortunately, despite the CLI moment without bluetooth or wifi, we were unable to create an AP or connect to the home wifi network. I will add that the network works at 2.4 GHz.

That is the output of meshtastic --info which shows that the config values saved.

This is the serial log (meshtastic --noproto) from a device as it first connects to wifi

…Creating the certificate was successful

??:??:?? 11 Created Private Key: 1192 Bytes

??:??:?? 11 Created Certificate: 780 Bytes

??:??:?? 11 SSL Cert Ready!

[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:374] _eventCallback(): Event: 0 - WIFI_READY

[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:374] _eventCallback(): Event: 2 - STA_START

??:??:?? 11 JOINING WIFI soon: ssid=ghome

??:??:?? 11 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/8) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=237, time 3188 ms

??:??:?? 11 myNodeInfo.bitrate = 74.341286 bytes / sec

??:??:?? 11 PowerFSM init, USB power=1

??:??:?? 11 Enter state: BOOT

??:??:?? 11 Setting CPU to 240mhz because WiFi is in use.

??:??:?? 11 [Power] Battery: usbPower=0, isCharging=0, batMv=3889, batPct=66

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Device Telemetry: Initializing

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] -----------------------------------------

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Device Telemetry: Read data

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Telemetry->time: 180

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Telemetry->air_util_tx: 0.051056

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Telemetry->battery_level: 66

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Telemetry->channel_utilization: 0.000000

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Telemetry->voltage: 3.889000

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Initial packet id 1465971564, numPacketId 4294967295

??:??:?? 11 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Device Telemetry: Sending packet to mesh

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Update DB node 0x25c2eff8, rx_time=0

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] handleReceived(LOCAL) (id=0x5760f36e Fr0xf8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Ch0x0 Portnum=67)

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] No modules interested in portnum=67, src=LOCAL

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Add packet record (id=0x5760f36e Fr0xf8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Ch0x0 Portnum=67)

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Should encrypt MQTT?: 1

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Expanding short PSK #1

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Using AES128 key!

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] ESP32 crypt fr=25c2eff8, num=5760f36e, numBytes=23!

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] enqueuing for send (id=0x5760f36e Fr0xf8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Ch0x6e encrypted)

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] txGood=0,rxGood=0,rxBad=0

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Using channel 0 (hash 0x6e)

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Expanding short PSK #1

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Using AES128 key!

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] ESP32 crypt fr=25c2eff8, num=5760f36e, numBytes=23!

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] decoded message (id=0x5760f36e Fr0xf8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Ch0x0 Portnum=67 priority=64)

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] updateTelemetry LOCAL

??:??:?? 12 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Node status update: 1 online, 1 total

??:??:?? 12 [SerialModule] Serial Module Disabled

??:??:?? 12 [StoreForwardModule] Store & Forward Module - Disabled

??:??:?? 12 [RangeTestModule] Range Test Module - Disabled

??:??:?? 12 [WifiConnect] … Reconnecting to WiFi access point

??:??:?? 12 [RadioIf] Starting low level send (id=0x5760f36e Fr0xf8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Ch0x6e encrypted priority=64)

??:??:?? 12 [RadioIf] (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/8) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=39, time 829 ms

??:??:?? 12 [RadioIf] AirTime - Packet transmitted : 829ms

[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:374] _eventCallback(): Event: 4 - STA_CONNECTED

??:??:?? 12 ************ [WiFi-event] event: 4 ************

??:??:?? 12 Connected to access point

??:??:?? 13 [RadioIf] Completed sending (id=0x5760f36e Fr0xf8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Ch0x6e encrypted priority=64)

[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:374] _eventCallback(): Event: 7 - STA_GOT_IP

[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:418] _eventCallback(): STA IP:, MASK:, GW:

??:??:?? 14 ************ [WiFi-event] event: 7 ************

??:??:?? 14 Obtained IP address:

… Starting network services

??:??:?? 14 mDNS responder started

??:??:?? 14 mDNS Host: Meshtastic.local

??:??:?? 14 Starting NTP time client

??:??:?? 14 Initializing Web Server …

??:??:?? 14 Starting Secure Web Server…

??:??:?? 14 [facesKB] Starting Insecure Web Server…

??:??:?? 14 [facesKB] Web Servers Ready! :slight_smile:

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Garth seems to be the only person replying to end users on this forum?

Most people are on discord at this point.

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I thought that was mostly for the developers but I’m gonna try that route