Firmware complete with wifi enabled

So i did get some success in the end. I tried quite a few times to set the AP settings. After trying to reset the device using different button combinations.

Few things i noticed which may just be me,

  1. the web GUI didn’t seem to want to send a message in 1.1.7
  2. in 1.1.20 static/index.html wasn’t available

The web gui of 1.1.7 it’s a prove of concept and doesn’t work, for 1.1.20 you need to install the SPIFFS file in to the board, via platformio, esptool from cli or from the “ipaddress”/static.

I think the meshtastic default web gui it’s minimalist but a good start, I have installed this:

And it seems to work.


As soon as he’s ready, that’ll become the default :slight_smile:


or from the “ipaddress”/static.

I put an mdns server on there, so going to http://meshtastic.local/static should also work.

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