Meshtastic --info Version 1.2 problem

I am having trouble connecting to the TTGO V1 using serial.

When I try:
meshtastic --info
I get:
Multiple ports detected, you must specify a device, such as /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

But, when I specify a port:
meshtastic --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART --info
I get:
Exception: This version of meshtastic-python requires device firmware version 1.2 or later

But, I am using V1.2.9:
meshtastic --version

This also affects a bunch of other commands as well: eg meshtastic.SerialInterface()
What am I doing wrong?

Plugin & Unplug your TTGo to the usb port and then run the following command. It will tell you what your usb port you are using.

dmesg | grep tty

[56181.245015] cp210x ttyUSB3: cp210x converter now disconnected from ttyUSB3
[58869.071746] usb 2-1.2: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB3

OK, doing that, I get:
[21959.415581] usb 1-1: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0

So, what then is my “meshtastic --info” command?

Now moved to a Ubuntu machine - but get the same Exception:

Exception: This version of meshtastic-python requires device firmware version 1.2 or later. For more information see Using the python API during the 1.2 transition - Python API - Meshtastic

When I type in:
meshtastic --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --info
meshtastic --info

I’ve tried the tinyurl link, but downgrading meshtastic to V<1.2 doesn’t work either.

So, in summary, I am getting the same problem in OSX and Ubuntu.
Any other bright ideas anyone?
I am now suspecting it is a Version incompatibility.

The errormsg is referring to device fw revision. What do you have flashed to the device?

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1.1.50 - Is that the problem?

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Thanks @claesg - that was the problem - just downloaded V1.2.10 hot off the press - and it works … :grinning:

And to confirm, on OSX I needed to select a specific port:
meshtastic --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART --info

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