E22-400M33S DIY Unable to launch

I used E22-400M33S and ESP32-D0WD-V3 development boards to DIY a meshtatic terminal, firmware firmware- DIY V1.but I couldn’t send a signal for some reason。

RXEN is not connected. I guess it should connect to IO32?

Connect DIO2 and TXEN and leave it at that (do not connect to a IO of the ESP32).

The variant.h should have the following line:

#define SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH

Thank you for your suggestion. I strictly follow the variant. h of V1 to connect the lines
#define LORA_DIO0 26 // a No connect on the SX1262/SX1268 module
#define LORA_RESET 23 // RST for SX1276, and for SX1262/SX1268
#define LORA_DIO1 33 // IRQ for SX1262/SX1268
#define LORA_DIO2 32 // BUSY for SX1262/SX1268
#define LORA_DIO3 // Not connected on PCB, but internally on the TTGO SX1262/SX1268, if DIO3 is high the TXCO is enabled

#define LORA_SCK 5
#define LORA_MISO 19
#define LORA_MOSI 27
#define LORA_CS 18

// supported modules list
#define USE_RF95 // RFM95/SX127x
#define USE_SX1262
#define USE_SX1268
#define USE_LLCC68

// common pinouts for SX126X modules
#define SX126X_CS 18 // NSS for SX126X
#define SX126X_DIO1 LORA_DIO1
#define SX126X_BUSY LORA_DIO2
#define SX126X_RXEN RADIOLIB_NC // Defining the RXEN ruins RFSwitching for the E22 900M30S in RadioLib
#define SX126X_TXEN 13

I also disconnected the connection between DIO2 and ESP32, and connected DIO2 to TXEN, but could not send or receive messages. Do I need to add the following statement