Ebytes E220 LoRa hookup

E220 use llcc68 chip , I’ve seen a post about hooking it up, but it was not a module but a breakout or something , and I have a module with rx/tx Miso/Mosi and AUX I assume I won’t be able to use it ?

Should be fine. Wire it up according to one of the DIY targets. Not sure which one you have, but the spec sheet for the E220-900M30S is here, and doesn’t mention an AUX pin. It has (for digital I/O) RXEN, TXEN, DIO2, DIO1, BUSY, NRST, MISO, MOSI, SCK, and NSS; for power, VCC and GND; and for analog, ANT.

Take a look at the NiceRF or other DIY targets to see how you should connect the pins to an ESP32 SoC. If you select different pins, you will need to modify variant.h and recompile the source code for the firmware.

There are other variants you can base it off of - see firmware/variants at master · meshtastic/firmware · GitHub for details.