Critical fault #3 T-Deck

Flashed my T-Deck Friday using the Meshtastic online flasher on Chrome browser and it was running great. Saturday installed an m100 mini gps and it never got a sat lock. (tx>rx, rx>tx) Half the time the screen would say searching, the other no gps, but radio working fine. Ordered another gps board and installed Sunday eve. No crossed wires, antenna always connected. Powered up and got the dreaded #3 error code. Removed the gps. Wiped and reflashed a few times the latest beta, previous beta, some alpha. Currently running 2.3.6. From my understanding, it means that No LoRa radio hardware could be found. Will communicate with the Android app. Can set region and bluetooth passkey. When in radio configuration, choosing LoRa it loads “50%” then stops. Really bummed I waited a month for it to show up, used it one day, then this.
Thanks for reading,

I had the same error weeks ago with my T-Beam and T-LoRa after I connected a large antenna. My error was gone when I reinstalled the firmware in the online flasher, with the option to delete it completely beforehand.

Hey Roha, thank you for the response. Instead of saying wiped and reflashed, should have said I always choose firmware full erase and install . Thinking the radio is damaged. It would be a shame to just discard it. SX1262 chipsets are readily available, but my SMD soldering skills are questionable at best.

With the error “Critical fault #3” your hardware does NOT have to be defective. I have observed this error several times and reflashing the firmware has always helped me.

The T-Deck has an ESP32 controller installed, i.e. you should also be able to read and write to the device using the esptool from Espressif.

Believe me, I hope you are right. I must have erased and reflashed 7-8 times now from the online Meshtastic flasher with the same result. Wish I understood more about writing code to the device as that’s a bit out of my skill range.

Hopefully this will help. I erased and flashed the newest alpha that was said to have bug fixes for Critical fault #3 in high hopes. But to no avail. Also forgot to mention I get a “Delivery Failed To Unknown” message as well. I copied the error (coding)? and maybe someone can decipher it.

ERROR | ??:??:?? 30 NOTE! Recording critical error 3 at src/main.cpp:943
ERROR | ??:??:?? 39 [NodeInfoModule] Error=4, returning NAK and dropping packet.
ERROR | ??:??:?? 39 [NodeInfoModule] Alloc an err=4,to=0xc1760f4,idFrom=0x351317b4,id=0x351317b5
ERROR | ??:??:?? 54 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Error=4, returning NAK and dropping packet.
ERROR | ??:??:?? 54 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Alloc an err=4,to=0xc1760f4,idFrom=0x351317b6,id=0x351317b7

And warn coding
WARN | ??:??:?? 20 Failed to find SX1262 radio
WARN | ??:??:?? 30 Failed to find SX1268 radio

Thank you in advance!

a couple of questions and it’s only based on a quick Google search through other forums etc, have you attempted to disconnect the battery and USB then reconnect and flash again? Also and again it’s because of a Google have you tried to disconnect the GPS module then try flashing? some of the search results referenced a tx time-out and the fact that its mentioning a telemetry module appears to be pointing at that but I could be wrong. Sorry my coding experience is very old lol so I could very well be wrong.

Thank you, any responses are appreciated. I removed the GPS back when this first happened thinking it was the only thing I had changed. In the subsequent flash attempts, there has been no battery connected.

hmmm I am stumped then lol the error looks like it is referencing that module but who knows :man_shrugging:t2:. If it were me I would make sure that I had cleaned up all the points and removed all traces of solder, but I would also be inclined to wait for someone with more experience with the devices as I am still waiting for my first t-deck to arrive as well as other mesh devices from various sources lol.

I hear ya, I ordered another T-Deck and am waiting for it. I have 2 Heltec V3’s, Two T-Beams, (one with an SX1262, the other a SX1276) and a WisBlock I haven’t built out yet.
I do appreciate the input, and hope the unit isn’t damaged. Thanks for the coding direction.

yeah, I have two T-Decks from Amazon and 1 T-echo with the weather sensor (which I suspect will both come from Lilygo directly) and two completed Heltec v3s with cases included coming from a seller in the US on Etsy.

The plan for the Echo is to use it as a solar repeater station on the roof, and keep the two Heltecs and the t-decks in a Faraday box for traveling and camping, but knowing me I will end up monkeying around with one of the T-dacks for quite a while lol.

Headed to Japan this fall and figured its better to be safe than sorry when it comes to comms so I also have antennas on the way that will cover the frequency while there.

Nice! I really like the modular concept of WisBlock. Especially considering this scenario that has played out with my T-Deck. Only drawback for me were enclosure options. That was until I discovered the Meshbook Pro. I have all the stuffs coming to build one out. It just might give the ol’ TD a run for it’s money. Lol
I run the V3’s in Muzi.Works enclosures and really like them. Those 915mhz whips he sells are the best small ants I’ve used so far. The other I put a 90 deg adapter on to clear an ALFA 4dbi “peoples network” ant.

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