Connectiontest from A to B to C Node


Testing the connection and I have this problem.
Node A → !55c7ef24 → Sender
Node B → !55c747e4 → Routerkonfig
Node C → !55c748f8 → Routerkonfig

Connectiontest from Node A to Node B with meshtastic.exe --sendping dest !55c747e4
Or Meshtastic App Message from Node A to Node B
I get in a few seconds an answere/update (LastHeard) with SNR -14

Connectiontest from Node B to Node C with meshtastic.exe --sendping dest !55c748f8
Or Meshtastic App Message from Node B to Node C
I get in a few seconds an answere/update (LastHeard) with SNR -8

Connectiontest from Node A to Node C with meshtastic.exe --sendping dest !55c748f8
Or Meshtastic App Message from Node A to Node C
I get no answere/response???

Hmm what could be problem?
Is there a command to test the route ?


It uses flood routing, so there is not tracing of the route available. a broadcasts, b gets that message and rebroadcasts it and c will get it if in range of either a or b.

Are you using 1.2 firmware? There was a bug where direct messages were not rebroadcasted, which is fixed in 1.3.

Yes, I am using 1.2.65 - need stability.
Oh thank you for the information, i will update the nodes later when the next ““stable”” version is on the market :slight_smile:

You should get the message on all the nodes if you skip the —dest

yes… but the nodes are about 5km away. Testing is not easy