Anyone in Aberdeen and/or Shire,Scotland? Looking to add some repeaters and develop the area

Hi I am new to this and looking for others in the area and further a field to maybe help build a great mesh:)


Hi there - did you find any other LoRa Meshtastic users in the Aberdeen/Shire? Im north of Aberdeen and new to Meshtastic, I know there used to be a big ameteur radio scene here but am not sure if they took to the Meshtastic thing.


Another user here in Aberdeen.
Got the bits now for setting up a repeater near center. And considering another one on Kincorth Hill overlooking the city

Seen person on meshtastic in Whinhill,name saying ā€œbaseā€ thou now hasnā€™t been online for 2+ weeks

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Apologies for delayed reply. Iā€™'m the ā€˜Whinhillā€™ guy you saw on Meshtastic. Thatā€™s great youā€™re going to be setting up a repeater near the city centre and considering one on Kincorth Hill too! I am in Ferryhill area (near The Cowdray Club) and was experimenting with no success so far. Using a Heltec V3 board (in a Bender case) Iā€™ll make a point of getting back on air again and looking out for activity. I have line-of-sight path to Kincorth, but a more obstructed path toward city centre. Cheers, David

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Hi David
Great you found this forum and seen my post. Got the Heltec v3 aswell and app via android. Ask any questions and I will help:-)

The base is now setup in a vehicle in center so very short rage due to lack of height. I would guess if standing near Scotmid/celebration cake shop on crown st you should pick it up easily.

I seen your node from my flat, which is higher up. Now thinking about a node on the atticā€¦
Got the hardware for the kincorth node just need a time to set it up


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Thatā€™s brilliant! Iā€™ll charge mine up and get it on air very shortly. Also my pal over Urquhart Road area is going to do the same.
Cheers for now,

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I recently fired up a base node in Aberdeen while driving around with another node to test the range. My base had a line of sight to the east of Anderson Drive, from Kincorth Hill in the south to Peterhead Power Station in the north. The coverage wasnā€™t as good as I hoped so I have ordered better antennas and will try again once they arrive. There were two other active nodes in Aberdeen that afternoon so maybe there is enough interest to setup a mesh.


Quick update. Iā€™ve got a strong signal from ABZ Mobile Repeater and a weak signal from Happy T. Test messages gets ā€˜acknowledgedā€™ by both. I flashed the latest stable firmware last night and this morning realised the battery was flat, so presently charging that. I have a permanent place for the unit on my kitchen window-sill, but need to get a suitable mains power supply to keep it on-air permanently. Any advice on that would be appreciated.

Details: second-floor flat, set-top Paradar whip antenna on Heltec V3 board housed in Bender case. Location: Ferryhill, Aberdeen (Near The Cowdray Club)

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Impressive ramge you got. Where about is your node?
Got a mobile(vehicle) node near crown st with a Paradar 6.5dbi antenna.
Today set up a node on Kincorth with a Aliexpress 5ā€™ish dbi antenna

Another user is at Whinhill area and all linked now. Would be great link the mesh with your node

Hope Amazon is quick with the powersupply.

The mobile node is run by me aswell. Its a lilygo TTGo v2.1 as got holes for better mounting in a vehicle. Added weather sensor module

Got Heltec v3 in original case for portable use, running from a usb powerbank.
The node in kincorth is a Heltec wireless stick as cheapest I could find.

The Bender case is nice as stands like a proper unit.

Torry and old Shell building is visible from flat so your pal should be within reach.

Read your mssg again and realised urquhard rd is beach direction. I walked on Un st and didnā€™t see the mobile node in that direction!

Hope to get time to do a range test at somepoint

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I switched ā€˜Meshtastic 9eb8ā€™ on earlier today. The node is located in the vicinity of the huge BT mast at the north of the city. It is an indoor Heltec V3 with the Paradar whip. I didnā€™t have time to hang around and see how it was performing, but I was in Dyce shortly after and I saw a solid connection using another Heltec v3 with a small helical antenna in my car. This path isnā€™t line of sight.


See it from center near BT building full of antennas opposite Staters Menswear. Trace route says via Whinhill and sometimes via my Mobile repeater with a 6.5dbi Omni Paradar.

Maybe set a fixed location nearby the BT tower then we can see the distance we are getting.
Did it on the mobile repeater and jumped to train station. The Kincorth node jumped to middle pf north sea so will correct that one

Great to see even more nodes came online today


Here just off king street working on some secret projects


The mains power supply has arrived. DC voltage is variable from 3 to 12 volts. Iā€™ll select 5 volts as itā€™s going in through the USB C port. Iā€™ve not connected it yet as Iā€™m not sure if I should take the rechargeable battery out first? Any advice on that would be appreciated.

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Its safe to keep the battery in as the Heltec has build in charging. Think overcharge protection aswell.

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Reminds me of all the signs advertising Scotlands Secret Bunker:-)

Thanks! Iā€™ve hooked it up now and keeping a careful eye on it! lol

Anyone in Aberdeen or Edinburgh able to confirm this? I canā€™t believe my wee Heltec with a yagi can do thisā€¦

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The Bender case is made for battery and charging port is available.
Do you have a multimeter to chk voltage? Would be interesting to see if it stops charging when reaching 4.2v

Wow thats impressive if true, thought there would be few mountains in the way.

Didnā€™t see a node with that name near abz, hope you can find more info to confirm location

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