I am trying out the TTGo T-Beam pre-installed with meshtastic firmware as follows:
- T-Beam V1.1 w/ NEO-6M - special Meshtastic version (Includes built-in OLED display and they have preinstalled the meshtastic software)
This T-Beam is a Model labelled as 923MHz (as I live in Hong Kong and according to info on thethingsnetwork.org, the frequency plan for HK is AS923-925 (“AS2”)). I got this T-Beam online and the site explicitly labelled this board 923MHz as distinct from another board 915MHz on the same site.
However, the zip file from the Meshtastic firmware download page only contains bin files for CN, EU433, EU865, JP and US versions only, and therefore, I could not find the firmware version for 925MHz.
Using “meshtastic --info”, I gathered from my T-Beam the following information, region = “1.0-US” and firmware_version = “0.7.6”, I wonder what actual frequency my T-Beam is currently transmitting/receiving at (i.e. HK = 925MHz or US = 915MHz) ?
And when I upgrade the firmware version from 0.7.6 to 1.0.0, which version should I use? And whether the change in firmware will alter the frequency the board is transmitting/receiving at (preferably, the board should still operate be at 925MHz, but could be modified with firmware/software if required. And where in the python-API could I adjust the frequency of the board, if it is not “fixed” by the firmware)??