This is a minor alpha release mostly to:
- Pick up @vfurman-gh improvements in settings fields
- Fix a few autobugs from analytics
- Include the 1.1.48 alpha firmware
An apk is attached for those that can’t access google play.
This is a minor alpha release mostly to:
An apk is attached for those that can’t access google play.
I download the apk but the download is 1.1.44? My Sunday morning error somewhere?
oops sorry thanks! I attached the wrong apk. fixed!
Thanks. I have three tbeams: Device: T22_V1.1 20191212 M8N or 6M and T22_V1.0 20190612 6M
Version 1.1.46
Tablet: Huawei MediaPad M3 Android 7.0
App version: 1.1.48
All the tbeams connect and mesh. Have new advanced settings menu panel. Mapbox, texts all work fast and well.
The App requests updating all three devices from 46 to 48. I try this but on each device the update starts, the bar appears but no green progress indicator. After about two minutes the ghosted update button disappears - the device has not updated. This sequence occurs for all my tbeams. The sequence just repeats too - with the same end result - the app has not frozen. Devices seem fine too as texting still works. Sent bug report. Will manually update devices now. Update for me did not work on App 1.1.46.
Oops I meant to add that when I tried to alter broadcast position sec to 20 - my setting I added using App 1.1.44 I got the error minimum setting 375.
Okay updated all three to device version 1.1.48 using
Broadcast minimum value of 375 sec still present. Device sleep period set value is 30 and I could alter that to 10. Maps, texts etc all fine. I still get some strange signal levels - often down to under 10% for devices next to each other and long times between contact too (448138 hrs is often measured) for devices I am constantly using. Its almost like a some point it defaults to an arbitrary value.
I experienced same problem updating over BT since version 44 with the 2 t-beam devices with the NEO-8M GPS, last version 46 also gave problems with the 2 t-beam devices with the NEO-6M GPS while updating over BT still worked with lora32 board.
While testing with latest version also messages didn’t get through, but checking debug panel saw the hop-limit was put back from 3 to 1.
Is this done with a reason?
It’s odd but one of my tbeams (same type as the three I have already used) updated via the App without a problem. It was running 1.1.33.
If I open advanced settings it shows broadcast position 30, device sleep period 3600. Competely different from the initial values I saw - 900 and 30 on my other tbeams after their update.
I think markers have been disappearing from the map again, possibly having something to do with devices sending out position messages even if they don’t know where they are. Either the app or the device should store a memory of the last known location, but maybe have a way for the user to filter out very old locations by age.