(the last 1.1 release?) Android app 1.1.50 is up for alpha testers

This is hopefully the last release of the 1.1 train. If testing goes will we will declare beta and move on…

  • @paulmandal exposed hopLimit in the android message API
  • @hpsaturn fixed CI builds on github
  • Fix bug #254 reported by @vinloren: timestamps were wrong for messages sent by other nodes
  • Add warning for downrev apps (necessary for the coming 1.2 release)
  • Includes the device 1.1.50 firmware for bluetooth OTA updates

I seem to have a bug with the overlay for the debug and advanced settings screens where they still show the previous screen underneath them.

Is this just me or anyone else have this?


Ooh. I see it also. Would you mind opening a bug on GitHub and linking to this thread from it?

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Is OTA working? Because, I have never been able to do OTA from Android app and always needed to do it manually via usb cable.

For me it is I just updated 2 t-beams with the 1.1.50 android app.

A new record for rogue GPS coordinates. The 2 devices are side by side on a table indoors, and there is a 3rd device in my van 30 meters away. The tbeam that is off by at least 100km is my only one with an M8N GPS.

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