You must set a region!: Error Screen (Android 9 LG L322DL TracPhone)

It works now, but I don’t know why. I did

meshtastic_windows.exe --ch-shortfast

on both radios to change it from LongSlow. Eventually I figured out that that resets the HAM mode, so with

meshtastic_windows.exe --set-ham K2GGE-1

on both and the radios started communicating. Then I tried the Android app to see if I could now connect and found it was already connected! I was able to send a message to the other radio. Joy!

So maybe LongSlow prevented Android from connecting? To test that I changed back to LongSlow (and set-ham) and now Android is also connected in LongSlow.

Perhaps cycling through these settings cleared out some other setting I had made that was preventing Android from connecting? Dunno. It’s a mystery.

LongSlow is the default and is super well tested, reseting the device or adjusting android bluetooth / battery settings is likely what fixed things.

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