I got my Wismesh Pocket a couple of weeks ago, and it was working without issues until the beginning of the week when I noticed it stopped and saw on the screen “Critical Fault #3.” I did some searching here and followed the advice to use the web flasher and to make sure to also erase the flash.
After erasing the flash and reinstalling the firmware, the unit is now “deaf” it does not see any other nodes. I tried to use another device to the messages and it worked fine, but it is like the Wismesh pocket sensitivity now is really low for some reason. But even leaving the node on my window, where it was working, it no longer receives anything.
Is there anything else I can do to further troubleshoot without specialized equipment?
I have the normal equipment, serial cables, programmers, Jtag adapters, soldering irons, and other things that may be a little bit more useful, like a hackrf and a nanovna.
I also have a tigard (Tigard | Crowd Supply) that I can use to hook to the board if necessary, but I’m not sure what else to do now.
I would appreciate any suggestions!
Thanks in advance!