Will meshtastic buffer messages if bluetooth connection is off?


I am planning to play around with the below setup,
and im wondering if the meshtastic devices will buffer messages if the bluetooth connection e.g. from phoneB is

An if the answer is [x] yes, it will buffer, how many messages are buffered ?


                                         rooftop repeater
                                           | meshtastic| 
                                          /| node2     |\
                                         / +--------- -+ \
                                        /                 \
                                       /                   \
+--------+           +------------+   /                     \   +-----------+           +--------+
| phoneA | bluetooth | meshtastic |--+                       +--| meshtastic| bluetooth | phoneB |
|        |-----------| node1      |                             | node3     |-----------|        |
+--------+           +------------+                             +-----------+           +--------+

I planning to use these devices:

LILYGO® TTGO Meshtastic T-Beam V1.1 ESP32 433/868/915/923Mhz WiFi BLE Lora ESP32 GPS NEO-6M SMA 18650 Battery Holder With OLED

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You need to use the new store and forward plugin functionality for this, currently you need to be connected to a device to get more than the last message from a device.

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Ok, the store and forward plugin sounds expensive for the mesh.

I hopen, in future developments it will possible
to “sync” the messages from the meshtastic board the the android phone ?

The LILYGO TTGO T-Beam V1.1 board has 8MB PSRAM,
should be easily possible to queue messages if the android phone is not in reach with it’s bluetooth connection.

And once the android phone reconnects to the bluetooth connections
it can sync the missed messages in future developments of the firmware, I hope.

The phone connected via BLE is just a view into the device, if the data is expected by the lora mesh it needs to be transmitted via lora.

I belive we are at cross purposes but mean the same ?

So if the lora device is up and receives messages fine while the BLE connection to the phone is down but later gets established still all messages that got received from the lora device (while the phone was off) are visible on the android app, right ?

Or do I miss messages in the android app if the BLE connection is down while
the lora devices receives the messages.

I assume there is a message buffer on the lora device, isn’t there one ?

Sorry for being slow in understanding.

There is very little buffer on the device. If you want messages delivered consistently your phone needs to be connected via ble or you need to use store and forward.

garth, thanks for the clarification !