Is Meshtastic only real-time or are messages buffered?

[new to Meshtastic] I assume in most cases users would like to use Meshtastic like a messaging app (like WhatsApp or similar). I also assume they will not carry around the (radio) device all the time (during the day) but have it in their home (more like a base station).
From what I understand Meshtastic is using a p2p setup. So there is no central storage of messages. I like that. But I could not find any info on how large the local (message) buffer is on a Meshtastic device. I assume received messages are buffered when there is no client connected to the device. I can imagine there would be different settings for different devices (depending on available memory). Is there any info available on this topic somewhere? Or is Meshtastic only real-time where you need to have your device with you and connected with your phone (or other client) all the time?


There is an on device buffer that holds about 30 packets

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Ah, that’s nice. So no setting to tune or tweak it I guess. Maybe I should get a feeling for it first with actual use of the system before posting feature requests. Thank you.