Which firmware? 433mhz in US (v1.1.50)

Have a couple " HiLetgo ESP32 LoRa SX1278 0.96 inch OLED Display Development Board WiFi Bluetooth Dual Core 240MHz CP2102 and 433/470MHz Antenna for Arduino Smart WiFi LoRa 32" showing up today… that is the Amazon listing.

I am a ham op, so legality isn’t an issue.

As I require the web interface for what I am working on, I will be running v1.1.50 firmware.

Which firmware is my question?

The board looks like a direct copy of the heltc, so I am pretty sure which I want to choose there.

The issue is the frequency, as the US firmware I believe defaults to 915mhz band.

Would I want to use firmware-heltec-EU433-1.1.50.bin instead, or would I downgrade the meshtastic python cli and just change the frequency for the US version of the firmware?


hmm, you’ll need to use a 1.1 flavor of the python CLI anyways (because too many changes when we did the 1.2 transition). But if using that version of the firmware you can use “meshtastic --set region EU433”.

Or you can just install the EU433 firmware and I think that will be fine. I can’t remember when we added “–set-ham Kxxxx” to the cli. But if the 1.1 version has it, you should use it to turn off encryption and use your ham ID as station ID. Because technically encryption isn’t allowed and you must broadcast your licence ID. (though in practice, this doesn’t make a lot of sense)

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