What settings should i use

Trying to figure out the setting I need, if this is possible.
I want to:
Broadcast my GPS position over Mqtt so that I populate the MeshMap and others can see roughly where my node is. But I dont want to communicate/display with others via mqtt, only LoRa.

What channel, position, and mqtt setting should I use to accomplish this?

This should bw the default anyway.

Your node should ignore in coming messages from mqtt be default. So never see remote nodes nor messages.

But if the is a node online that recieves you (potenitally via hops), will publish your nodeinfo and posit0on packets to mqtt.

Even if it downloads from mqtt and puts onto the lora mesh, you wont see them.

If you want to run a mqtt uplink, it a bitmore involved to make sure get all the bits right

So Primary channel uplink and downlink should be disabled?
But under module> mqtt it should be enabled?

I am currently showing all nodes in msh/US/GA

Ok, if you have a web connection and enabled mqtt on yiur node, then do need to be more careful.

You want to be very careful about enabling downlink in particular.

The defualt settings to ignore mqtt messesages is for messages downloaded by others (When they have downlink enabled)

So basically, I should do a factory reset >set my user name >set my region
Then leave it alone?
Will this still publish my location to meshmap?
If so this seems the simplest thing to do…

No, not yet. You need MQTT and “Map Reporting” enabled to be on meshmap.

Sorry missed the reply before.

If there is another node nearby, doing a MQTT Uplink, then that would in theory work. As long as you have enabled Position reporting on the primary channel, your location will be shared with mesh (and uplinked by the other node!)

If you want to be the MQTT uplink, then that is more involved. You will need to make sure your ‘Primary’ channel (ch 0) is set as to allow Uplink (sound like you dont want downlink)

… and will need to setup the MQTT module to have broker info. And enable Map Reporting there. And enable “Network” for the node to be able to connect to internet.

I’ve been digging a bit more into MQTT, seems there are two ways for meshmap to get position data.

Either the node itself has “Map Reporting” enabled, which uploads it own position to MQTT. Ie the node that has MQTT uplink enabled.

But also normal ‘Position’ packets on the mesh itself can get uplinked to MQTT. So if the node, or any node in reception range of a node with MQTT uplink, sends position packet to a uplinked channel, they can appear on the map.
… this is what I initially thought was talked about.

… so to appear on the map: You need either to be a MQTT Uplink, and have “Map Reporting” enabled.
Or broadcast your position over a Lora channel (mainly the primary one), and be in range of a node that does MQTT Uplinking (which can be self!) of that channel.

The first option needs explicit setup. The second may happen automatically, but requires someone nearby to have already configured Uplink of your primary channel.

See: meshmap.net/cmd/meshobserv/meshobserv.go at f7fb45692c1e13c3368eec437c724ad4897f3e7f · brianshea2/meshmap.net · GitHub

(to clarify, this does confirm my own experience, My nodes appear on meshmap, but I’ve never myself done uplinking. Must of been uplinked by someone else, do publish my (approximate!) position to the default channel)

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