What are we setting for tx_power?

Is the tx_power 23dbm? or meshtastic --setchan tx_power 100%?

the default tx power is the max power the particular radio chip can do without thermal problems (which is 17dBm for the sx1276 or 22dBm for the sx1262). For some regions this power level is decreased based on regulatory info we’ve found.

In general it is not recommended to set the tx_power setting higher than this because it might damage the radio. Though we always limit it to the absolute max value the datasheet says the part should use.

Yeah, I mean is the number after tx_power referring to dbm or referring to percentage?

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(and I’m making this string longer because discourse apparently has a minimum post length :smile:)

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btw - based on your good question I’ll improve the docs here:

If you don’t mind let me learn how pull request works, I could submit a pull request for that document.

cool beans! we’d absolutely love that. Here’s a good summary (and if you have questions I’m sure someone here will help)

In this case the docs come automatically (from a tool we run when we make new releases) from the .proto files themselves. You can edit those files by “forking” (see link above for info on this) this repo:

(btw - these steps will seem arcane the first time you do them. But after a while they will be much more natural) Also if your platform has “git gui” (or similar) supported a bunch of these command line steps can become mouse clicks.

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