Use long name as message

Problem: I get lots of nodes on my node list, and they report here that they see my nodes and receive my messages and send messages back, but I cannot get a single message from them on Longfast. (See Do you see my node in Weston Subedge, Gloucester, UK?)

Solution: use my long name as the message text. (This idea came from the node below*.)

Example: I want to message a node sj27 located as shown on the map below, so I put it into my long name.

Screenshot from 2024-08-08 09-02-00

*Some people manage very long long names… I wonder why my Android app only allows a short message that way.

This is a bad practice, long name size is likely to be reduced.

Just an aside really, but notice the ‘Hops Away: 4’.

Which suggests they have their Hop Limit set higher than the default 3. Ie the NodeInfo message goes through more hops to reach you.

If your Hop Limit is less, then they won’t see any replies from you. THey may not see your node.

… any of those hops might be unidirectional, which would explain why they dont receive your messages.

(the main “benefit” I suppose by putting your message in nodename, so your device will send out sending its node name out many times. Periodically and also in response to other nodes appearing. So they is much higher chance of at least some getting though. Text messages are sent once, Node Info is sent many times)

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Why does node info arrive but messages not?

That’s just because NodeInfo is sent regularly, and for text you’d have to do it yourself. If you keep trying text, some of them will likely also arrive, but it indicates you have an unstable link.

There’s no difference between NodeInfo and other packets. The longer packet length might make it even more difficult to get through than a short message.

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