Unit shuts down if I move it

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this happen with firmware version 1.1.8, If I just have my board (the one paired with my phone) lying around the house etc it stays on all the time, sleeps but stays powered on. However, when I take it with me in the car etc it shuts down completely and I have to power it on manually.

hmm - in both cases is it powered only by its internal battery? (i.e. not also usb powered)

Yes, just the battery, I only plug it in to recharge.

Hmm really strange. Perhaps a loose battery connection and with vibration it breaks briefly.

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After some more investigation (removal of board from case) I did find the battery holder looser than my other boards. (made in china ya know) and after some bending and soldering I have it more secure, I’ll put it through the ringer and see if it happens again.


Ok I am going to consider this issue isolated and was just with my board. After making the battery holder tighter the issue has not returned. Case Closed :slight_smile: