TTGO T-Beam failed to connect to USB on MAC 10.13.6

It also works with windows, I write it in windows and test that it works with others so you don’t need linux, if you have a windows machine the pip install commands are the same.

Thank you for pointing that out, I started writing the GUI to make the project accessible to more than just people who want to code all the time just to test a setting. My hope it to make plugins very very easy to configure and use.

unfortunately :thinking: I don’t have windows around… so I guess I´ll have a try with a raspy.

That sounds very interesting - it might sound odd when I want to play around with things like T-Beam, as it should be automatic that I know about coding, when I do so.
But in fact, I do want to find out, if this is a way to establish a kind of “disaster” communication in my area. If I had bought the ones with the right firmware installed, …
I’m not that kind of guy that wants everything on a silver plate, but I’m really happy for every help to using this and get it running…

Disaster situation is why I am here, Im working on making a system for wilderness first responders and forest firefighters. I realized that there needed to be an easy way to get radios going so a GUI is needed. Im working on making a custom Raspberry Pi/Linux Distro that will have everything needed to do meshtastic ready to go. You will be able to use a thumbdrive to boot into a OS that is designed to work with meshtastic. It will allow a communications ops, access to the internet over the mesh if present, TOPO maps, and aything else needed for emergency situations.

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:eyes: wow. thats awesome.