Anyone know how to instruct meshtastic to transmit continuous wave for testing purposes into a dummy load? I am happy using the CLI via Python. It is hard to measure the power level of such short burst transmissions.
i use the SDRplay receiver which can display in dBm. Accuracy is within 1dB
You mean the latest SDRConnect software released a few months ago ? Will give it another try since the new version may be better than the original.
@ pixelpeep
I mean the the SDRplay hardware.
The hardware is designed so that the input impedance is pretty close to 50 ohms over it’s receiving range. Also the dBm scale has a good linearity over it’s full range. These two are required to measure power accurate. (within 1 dB)
The RTL-SDR stick for instance is more or less designed to 75 ohms and the impedance is not constant over the receiving range. Neither the output is lineair over it’s range. So the sdr-rtl stick can only be used for comparative measurements.